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Phobias, Phobias, Phobias...............Oh, So Many Phobias #2

Updated on August 29, 2014


This is a continuation of a previous hub, entitled Phobias, Phobias, Phobias........Oh, So Many Phobias. Just to recap the meaning of Phobia is as follows.

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.

Keep in mind as you're reading these, as the meaning states, it's not just a strong fear, but also a strong dislike or aversion, so if some of these seems a bit on the ridiculous side, keep an open mind.

I'm not listing everyone that I found, I'm only listing my favorites or ones that I feel are more believable. You can find a more comprehensive list at,

The List

  1. Nebulaphobia--Fear of fog.
  2. Necrophobia--Fear of death or dead things.
  3. Nelophobia--Fear of glass.
  4. Noctiphobia--Fear of night.
  5. Nosocomephobia--Fear of hospitals.
  6. Nudophobia--Fear of nudity.
  7. Obesophobia or Pocrescophobia--Fear of gaining weight.
  8. Ochlophobia--Fear of crowds or mobs.
  9. Odontophobia--Fear of dental surgery.
  10. Olfactophobia, Osmophobia, or Osphresiophobia--Fear of Smells or odors, (my kids say I suffer from this).
  11. Ombrophobia--Fear of rain or being rained on.
  12. Omphalophobia--Fear of belly buttons.
  13. Ophidiophobia or Snakeophobia--Fear of snakes.
  14. Ophthalmophobia--Fear of being stared at.
  15. Ostraconophobia--Fear of shellfish.
  16. Pagophobia--Fear of ice or frost.
  17. Papyrophobia--Fear of paper.
  18. Paraskavedekatriaphobia--Fear of Friday the 13th.
  19. Pathophobia--Fear of disease
  20. Parturiphobia or tocophobia--Fear of pregnancy or childbirth.
  21. Pedculophobia or Phthiriophobia,--Fear of Lice.
  22. Pediophobia--Fear of dolls.
  23. Peladophobia--Fear of bald people.
  24. Peniaphobia--Fear of poverty, (you think Bernie Madoff tried to use this defense).
  25. Pentheraphobia, or Novercaphobia--Fear of mother-in-law.
  26. Pharmacophobia--Fear of taking medicine.
  28. Placophobia--Fear of tombstones.
  29. Plutophobia--Fear of wealth, (safe to say there's not a lot of them).
  30. Pogonophobia--Fear of beards.
  31. Poinephobia--Fear of punishment.
  32. Porphyrophobia--Fear of the color purple.
  33. Potamophobia--Fear of rivers.
  34. Potophobia--Fear of alcohol.
  35. Psychrophobia--Fear of cold.
  36. Pteronophobia--Fear of being tickled by feathers.
  37. Pupaphobia--Fear of puppets.
  38. Pyrophobia--Fear of fire.
  39. Ranidaphobia--Fear of frogs.
  40. Rhabdophobia--Fear of being severely punished or beaten, being severely criticized. Also fear of magic.
  41. Rhytiphobia--Fear of getting wrinkles.
  42. Rupophobia--Fear of dirt.
  43. Scatophobia--Fear of fecal matter.
  44. Scoleciphobia--Fear of worms.
  45. Scolionophobia--Fear of school, (don't let your children use this one).
  46. Sexophobia, or Heterophobia--Fear of the opposite sex.
  47. Social Phobia--Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.
  48. Sociophobia--Fear of society of people in general.
  49. Soteriophobia--Fear of dependence on others.
  50. Spermatophobia, Spermophobia or Verminophobia--Fear of germs.
  51. Symmetrophobia--Fear of symmetry.
  52. Stenophobia--Fear of narrow things or places.
  53. Tachophobia--Fear of speed.
  54. Technophobia--Fear of Technology.
  55. Telephonophobia--Fear of telephones.
  56. Testophobia--Fear of taking tests, (my grandson's used this one before).
  57. Thalassophobia--Fear of the sea.
  58. Thanatophobia or Thantophobia--Fear of death or dying.
  59. Theophobia--Fear of gods or religion.
  60. Thermophobia--Fear of heat.
  61. Tomophobia--Fear of surgical operations.
  62. Traumatophobia--Fear of injury.
  63. Toxiphobia or toxophobia or Toxicophobia--Fear of poison or of being accidentally poisoned.
  64. Trypanophobia--Fear of injections, (all of my children when they were small).
  65. Virginitiphobia--Fear of rape.
  66. Vaccinophobia--Fear of vaccination.
  67. Vitricophobia--Fear of step-father.
  68. Vestiphobia--Fear of clothing.
  69. Wiccaphobia--Fear of witches and witchcraft.
  70. Xenophobia--Fear of strangers or foreigners.
  71. Xerophobia--Fear of dryness.
  72. Xylophobia--1) Fear of wooden objects 2) forests.
  73. Xyrophobia--Fear of razors.
  74. Zelophobia--Fear of jealousy.
  75. Tapinophobia--Fear of being contagious.


After all is said and done concerning these listed phobias, we can safely say there are many more. Actually almost everyone has an irrational fear, a strong dislike or aversion to something. However when these fears are disabling they're considered phobias.

So if you are suffering from any of the real listed or non listed phobias, all is not lost. You can overcome your phobia with the proper treatment, and self-help strategies. As with most anything now, we can find help via the Internet. So my suggestion, "get to surfing."

Do you have a phobia

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