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On The Road With Fastfreta...Oklahoma

Updated on January 14, 2012
Pauline and Me
Pauline and Me


So by now I'm sure you've figured out that I'm a friend hoarder. If not, here goes, my friend of over 40 years, Pauline met me at the depot in Oklahoma City, the train doesn't go into Tulsa, which is where Pauline lives. Now mind you, I do keep up with these friends, I'm not just looking them up in the yellow pages, and dropping in. You see, when I get a friend, they don't get away from me too easily. Just wait until I get to Atlanta, you'll hear about more of these long time friends.

What I'm Doing

This is another of those legs that I'm relaxing for the most part. Pauline is keeping me entertained with stories of her childhood. I actually feel as if I'm there with her, she's a master storyteller. Her memory is what is commonly referred to as a steel trap, once she's experienced something it stays with her for life. I told her she should be speaking into a tape recorder. Now me, I'm usually the one doing the talking, but this is a time I'm rendered speechless. Usually with someone that gives every detail of a story, I'm bored stiff, but not this time, I even ask for details. I tell you if she put these things down in print it would be a bestseller. We've been doing this for at least two days.

Today we went to see the movie, "The Help," loved it. Pauline hadn't been to the movies for over thirty years, anyway, she was moved to tears from a couple of the scenes, well I must admit, me too. Oh, before the movie we had lunch at this very nice cafe type eatery, Furrs, yummy.


Friday, shopped today, for a dress-up outfit at "Gordman's" in Tulsa, a TJ Max type of store. Anyone who knows me, knows that I should not be buying clothes, but this was an emergency, I under packed, yes that's right, under packed, which I never do. I'm trying to learn new habits, it's not going too well, I'm not giving up. I'll tell you something, if I hang around Pauline too long she'll break some of my long standing bad habits, for instance, always being late. Go over and read some of the sad excuses that I've had for being late, under "Why Am I Always Late." Well anyway, she's ready to go sometimes up to 30 minutes before the actual departure time. Guess what, I am too now, but let's see if that holds after I leave here.


Today Pauline invited friends over for a get together. I met my male counterpart, actually I met him a few days ago. Anyway, his name is Randy Dawson, and his beautiful wife Jenna. Well Randy is so jovial and outgoing, that he'll surely be one that I'll remember long after this adventure is over. The reasons, one we had this running joke about his name, when I told him as I tell most, that I won't remember his name after I leave. He told me to associate it with Richard Dawson, a 70's game show host, so I did, that, and the fact he was so personable, friendly and outgoing. From the start I made Randy and Jenna part of my "Adventure" family.

Also two of Pauline's daughters stopped in, and it was on. These girls kept me in stitches, reminding me of some of the things they remembered when they were my neighbors in California, one being, when I'd go over and Pauline had cooked green, I'd say, "Oh, Pauline these greens," as I'm wolfing down a plate full. Anyway, Pauline no longer has the sole right to these girls, as a matter of fact to any of her children, they're mine now too. I totally love her children, and I didn't remember how much until I spent time with them. Including her son who lives in Holland, which is where I am going to spend some time next year. Anyway these are some of the best young people I know, and this is not flattery, it's a fact, I only wish you all could spend some time with them, this is owing to their mother, she's the best.( I even love the son's and daughter's-in laws). And she's not paying me to say this, LOL, as a matter of fact she doesn't even own a computer and probably won't even read this. There are three boys and three girls, a set of twins, (too cute). I'm speaking of them as if they're children, however they're adults. I only have a few pictures, but I'll get more when I return. Oh yes, I am totally going back there soon. Oh, let me stop gushing, and move on.

My girls

Click thumbnail to view full-size
PaulineYoung Tanya and TinaFelicia
Young Tanya and Tina
Young Tanya and Tina

Sights along historic route 66/ 11th street in Tulsa

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TSU StadiumTSU housing (Tulsa University)
TSU Stadium
TSU Stadium
TSU housing (Tulsa University)
TSU housing (Tulsa University)


After another refreshing spiritual meeting, we relaxed a bit, then we went to visit Pauline's daughter, and her husband, Felicia and "cowboy" Steve. I declare with my back turned to Steve, I feel as if I'm in the old west, listening to him talk. Anyway, I got a lesson in animal husbandry. Let me tell you, TV lies. They don't bring the animals in from the pasture at night, like I used to see on television of old. You see, while riding on the train, I'd look out at night and wonder why were those cows out so late, I assumed someone would bring them in at some point. Well, Steve gave me an education, FYI, the animals stay out in the pasture at all times, day and night, well, except during certain feeding and other necessary times. He even demonstrated his homing call to the cows and horses, and you should have seen them come running to the trough, I was so amazed. I tried it, but it didn't work, it's so true, animals know their owners voice. Oh, I didn't mention that Steve, and Felicia lives on a 70 plus acre ranch, farm, whatever they call them these days, with several horses, cows, chickens, and various other animals. However "Mrs." Felicia is not a farm hand, actually neither is "Mr." Steve, really, but he intends to be after retirement. I'd like to spend a little more time around Steve, to get a little more knowledge of Country living, and farm life, I loved it. Oh yes, he also explained the three phases of hunting season, didn't know it had phases. So much to learn!

I've got to say this has been one of the most exciting days I've had on the road, you see I've not been around too many animals, being raised and living in the city most of my life.

Click thumbnail to view full-size

Something interesting

I found a number of interesting things, in Oklahoma, but this was most interesting, to me. In this one Supermarket the checkers had their backs to the customers, you actually come up behind them. They said it was to give more room for check stands, Um, interesting! Take a look, the manager, and the checker gave me the okay to take a picture.

Stay Tuned

Well I'd better end this now, much more to go. I'm actually in Atlanta at this writing, but I'm going to document my three days on the way here, the best I can, so keep an eye out for that. I'm really sorry, I'm not that good at narrating, but I'm getting better as I go along. The longer I do this the better I'll get I'm sure, and I plan to stay on the move for some time.


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